The Water Workshops Online

The Water Workshops Online

from £16.00

The Water Workshops Online

Embody the Water Element, Find its Utility and Release its Power

Fridays 03 May, 07 June & 05 July 2024 - 6.30-8.30pm

  • A supportive supplement to the studies of trainee yoga teachers.

  • Suitable as CPD for qualified yoga teachers.

  • These workshops are recorded and you will get access to the recording for a month afterwards.

Let us dive deep into the depths of the Water Element, surrendering to its wisdom and unlocking the transformative energy it offers. Embody water's essence, find solace in its resilience, and unleash its power to create ripples of change in our lives and beyond.

3rd May: Be Like Water My Friend

As we embody the Water Element through asana, visualisation, deep relaxation and meditation, we will immerse ourselves in its essence. You are invited to explore the unique qualities of Water within yourself and tap into its profound flexibility. Just like water effortlessly adjusts to its surroundings, we too can learn to adapt and flow through life's ever-changing currents.

7th June: Healthy, Happy Harmonious Hips

Discovering the utility of the Water Element allows us to cultivate a sense of flexibility and resilience. By embracing the fluid nature of water in the way we move through life, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease. Just like a river effortlessly carving its path through obstacles, by exploring the fluidity of our walking movement, we can harmoniously sashay our way to healthy happy hips.

5th July: Moola Bandha & The Pelvic Floor

Once we have physically embodied the Water Element, we can channel its incredible power. Water holds immense strength within its gentle facade, capable of shaping landscapes and nurturing life, much like our pelvic floors. By harnessing the power of water within ourselves, we can tap into our inner strength and unleash our full potential.

Booking includes access to the video of the sessions for a month afterwards.

£16 per session or All 3 sessions for £36 - half price for Feel Now Yoga Graduate Teachers

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